Printable Form

Delegate Support Fund

To: Intergroups and Service Boards
From: World Service Office
Subject: Delegate Support Fund Application for the 2025 World Service Business Conference

The 2025 World Service Business Conference (WSBC) will be held May 4-10, 2025, via a virtual
platform. Intergroups and service boards from all regions are invited to apply for assistance to enable
delegates to register through the Delegate Support Fund.

The Delegate Support Fund was formed to administer the funds which, as per WSBC Policy 1993c helps
to pay some of the costs incurred by delegates who attend World Service Business Conferences. Delegates
selected to receive this financial support will be from OA intergroups and service boards in all regions.
In the spirit of unity, we encourage your service body to send delegates to the annual World Service
Business Conference. It is critically important for the strength of OA worldwide that the voice of OA’s
entire community is heard at Conference. Decisions affecting OA for years to come are made each year at
Conference, and input is needed from all intergroups and service boards, so these decisions truly represent
OA as a whole.

If your intergroup or service board is interested in receiving assistance to register a delegate for the Business
Conference in May 2025, please complete the attached Delegate Support Fund application. Each
application must be signed on page 3 by an intergroup or service board officer other than the
delegate. This form is then sent to your region for review and preliminary action. The completed
application, including financial statement, must be received by your region board by October 1, 2024, or a
date specified by your region bylaws.

Applications may be mailed, or electronically transferred (fax/email) to your region. Their review shall be
completed, including funding available from the region. The form(s) must then be received by the World
Service Office by November 1, 2024. Incomplete applications and those received after this date will not
be considered. Priority will be given to those intergroups and service boards that have not been able to send
delegates to previous WSBCs. For detailed funding guidelines, please refer to page 2. Funded applicants
must complete the “actual” expense column within thirty days of attending WSBC and return a completed
copy with receipts along with any unused funds to the World Service Office.
Notification of Delegate Support Fund awards will be sent in November 2024. An email will be sent to the
delegate email address listed on the application. As fund requests sometimes exceed fund availability, a
delegate waiting list is created. It is imperative that each recipient notify the World Service Office (WSO)
of its intention to accept the award by the date given in the award letter. If the WSO does not have your
response, the funds may be awarded to other intergroups and service boards on the waiting list. Funds will
be disbursed in early 2025 after the delegate’s Conference registration has been received. Please
contact the World Service Office if you have any questions. We look forward to receiving your Delegate
Support Fund application, and to seeing your delegate at Conference.

Delegate Support Fund Allocation
Board Reference Manual, Section VI – World Service Events, Subpart C-15 – Delegate Support Fund (DSF) Allocation

1. Contributions to the DSF will be accumulated on an annual basis. If the amount of this fund does not
reach U$5,000 in any given year, the amount will be augmented to at least US$5,000 by the World
Service budget.
2. Only intergroups or service boards that demonstrate need for assistance using the application form
downloadable on will be considered.
3. Requests for assistance to fund a single delegate from an intergroup or service board will be prioritized as follows:
a. Intergroups or service boards that have never sent a delegate to Conference.
b. Intergroups or service boards that have only been represented at one previous Conference,provided
the same delegate will be attending for their second time.
c. Intergroups or service boards that have not been recently represented, priority will be determined
by the length of absence. Secondary preference will be given to intergroups or service boards that
have not previously received support.

4. DSF assistance will include the registration fee, estimated room/board costs (up to seven nights shared room
basis), cost of transportation to the Conference site, the nonimmigrant visa (NIV) application processing fee
for visitor visas for business or tourism (B1/B2 or BCC) if this is necessary to attend WSBC, and costs for
technology needs (appropriate computer device and internet access) for the duration of WSBC. (If purchased,
technology devices would become property of the intergroup/service board.)
5. Assistance for interpretation will be the amount of the funding at the discretion of the DSF Committee.
6. Both the Service Body Financial Report and the “Amount contributed by Service Body” will be used in
allocation considerations.
7. In the event of extenuating circumstances, the intergroup/service board may provide a letter with their
application requesting suspension of normal priority guidelines. The letter should clearly explain the reason for
special consideration.
8. DSF monies will not be awarded to fund a second delegate from an attending intergroup, language service board,
or special focus service board.
9. DSF monies will be awarded to fund a second delegate from an attending national service board (NSB) when that
NSB can afford to fund one delegate but are financially unable to send a second when they are entitled to send
multiple delegates.
10. In the spirit of Seventh Tradition self-support, it is requested that – where feasible – each applicant
intergroup or service board provide some portion of the delegate expenses from their available treasury,
and/or offer to conduct a fundraising event within their larger service body to help defray their Conference
delegate expenses.
11. Each intergroup or service board should also request financial assistance from within its region or parent
service body, before and besides requesting assistance from the Fund. The DSF is committed to bringing as
many delegates to Conference from intergroups and service boards as is financially feasible. This is most
effectively done when financial aid and fundraising support are provided from multiple levels within the
12. Unused funds will be rolled over to the next year.
Delegate Support Committee Considerations
When reviewing applications, the Delegate Support Committee also takes into consideration the following:
1. Delegate registration fee
2. Reasonable cost of transportation to/from WSBC site
3. Deadline date for applications
Please note that OA does not fund tours, spousal expenses/activities, or other types of extracurricular activities
during WSBC.


Our intergroup/service board requests assistance from the Delegate Support Fund to send a delegate to the Annual
World Service Business Conference to be held virtually in May 2025.
Please – Print Legibly

Intergroup/Service Board Name Intergroup/Service Board #
Address Region #
City State/Province
Country Postal Code
Contact Name Telephone #
Address Email Address
City State/Province
Country Postal Code
Delegate Name Delegate Telephone #
Intergroup/Service Board Officer Signature/Title Delegate Email Address

Projected Costs:

Within 30 days post WSBC**
Actual Costs

Registration (US$249) $ $
Ancillary Fees (specify) $ $
Interpretation Services and/or Equipment (please include quote from service

$ $
Less amount contributed by intergroup/service board ($ ) $
Less amount contributed by other sources: (neighboring intergroups, region,
fundraising, service board)

($ ) $

Amount of money requested from Delegate Support Fund $

***Within 30 days of attending WSBC, please complete the actual costs and return a copy of page 3 with
receipts and any excess funds.

(NOTE: Intergroup/service board must attach the latest financial statement for the application to be
considered. The form provided on page 5 may be helpful.)

Will applying delegate be your only WSBC delegate this year? ☐ Yes ☐ No
Does delegate understand that they will participate in committee work
and workshops beginning on Sunday, May 4, 2025 Mountain time and
stay through the final business meeting on Saturday, May 10, 2025
Mountain time?

☐ Yes ☐ No

Is delegate aware that committee commitment continues for the entire
year through to the next WSBC?

☐ Yes ☐ No

Will the delegate meet the requirements of two years of service beyond the
group level and one year of continuous abstinence before the start of

☐ Yes ☐ No

Completed Application must be received at the WSO no later than November 1, 2024.

World Service Office
Attn: Dan Sandweiss
Delegate Support Fund

PO Box 44727, Rio Rancho, New Mexico 87174-4727 USA
T (505) 891-2664