Policies and Procedures 

Adopted 11-16-24 

Updates done on  2/2/25

  • Introduction

This Virtual Region Policy and Procedure Manual guides the business practices of the Virtual Region.

All documents (such as expense reports, registration for assembly, applications, bylaws, this policy and procedure manual, the standing rules, etc.) will be found on the Virtual Region website. The OA Inc., Bylaws Subpart B are located on oa.org/world-service-business-conference/.

2. Purpose of the Region

  1. Carry the message, virtually, globally, and in many languages
  2. Encourage unity within the region
  3. Communicate with groups all over the region
  4. Offer assistance to groups and service bodies as they form and function
  5. Selects Trustee nominees for Trustee
  6. Establish region office address

3. Financial Policies

  1. The fiscal year is January 1 through December 31.
  2. A balanced budget for the next fiscal year shall be proposed at the last assembly of the calendar year.
  3. The proposed budget is subject to the approval of the Virtual Region business assembly.
  4. Requests for budget increases shall be submitted to the Virtual Region treasurer at least 60 days prior to the assembly where the budget will be approved.
  5. The balance of the treasury will include the established prudent reserve (See Bylaws Article VIII) in addition to the general operations funds.
  6. Funding for Non-Travel Expenses

    1. Expenses incurred in the performance of assembly-sanctioned work are reimbursable.
    2. All funded expenses shall stay within budgeted allocations.
    3. Requests for budget overrides, including reason(s) for the same, are to be submitted in writing to the Virtual Region treasurer seven days prior to the next Board meeting.
  7. Requests for overrides will be approved by the board before the expense is incurred
  8. Funding for Travel Expenses
    Positions that may be considered for travel expenses are:

    1. Region chair for World Service Business Conference, World Service Convention and one Region Chairs Committee meeting.
    2. Virtual Region trustee nominees to World Service Business Conference

  1. Affirmed Virtual Region trustee nominees may be appointed by the board to fill any vacant Virtual Region delegate positions.
  2. If the number of trustee nominees exceeds the number of vacant Virtual Region delegate positions, the Virtual Region trustee nominees shall be chosen according to the highest number of Virtual Region trustee nominee ratification votes received.
  1. Virtual Region World Service Business Conference delegates
    The number of Virtual Region delegates to be selected will depend on the funds available, but in any case, shall not be more than five.
  2. Any other travel expense if agreed by a majority motion of the board or assembly
  3. Reimbursement of travel expenses shall be limited to transportation, lodging (double occupancy), meals, and registration.
  4. Reasonable adjustments can be accepted by a majority vote of the board or assembly.
  5. An expense report and receipts must be properly completed, authorized, and submitted to the treasurer prior to reimbursement or advance of any funds.
  6. Requests for reimbursement shall follow these guidelines:

    1. Each person shall complete and verify an expense report.
    2. An expense report must accompany all receipts and any unused funds must be returned to the Virtual Region treasurer within six weeks of the expense.
    3. The Treasurer shall make reimbursement or request additional information, within thirty days of receipt of request.
  7. The VR accepts designated monies, provided a temporarily restricted fund has been established by the assembly.
    The current temporarily restricted fund is for Carry the Message. The funds are used to run social media outreach to attract newcomers.
  8. The treasurer and the chair are authorized to withdraw funds from all region financial accounts.
  9. When money is not adequate for full funding purposes, the Virtual Region treasurer shall inform the board, who will then set priorities based on the current financial position.
  10. In addition to any line item in the annual budget for World Service Office contributions, the board shall send surplus funds as determined by the finance committee and approved by the board to the World Service Office on an annual basis.
  11. The region shall support service boards of the region in sending one representative per service board to the World Service Business Conference via the Virtual Region Delegate Scholarship Fund.


  1. The limit of the money set aside shall be that of the Delegate Support Fund line in each year’s annual budget.
  2. Preference will be given to new Service Bodies.
  3. Applications will only be accepted from Service Bodies that otherwise would be unable to send a representative.
  4. Service bodies applying for and receiving WSBC scholarships          from the Region must have
  1. At least one registered region representative.
  2. At least one alternate representative.
  3. These representatives must be in place for each assembly before and after the WSBC for which funds are received.
  4. The registered representative and alternate must be recorded at the assembly.
  5. They or another representative from the service body must actively serve on a Region committee.
  6. Service bodies in their first year of registration are exempt from this policy.


  1. The Virtual Region’s guideline for Seventh Tradition is that intergroups and service boards will keep 40 percent above their prudent reserve and anticipated expenses, and send 30 percent to the Virtual Region and 30 percent to the World Service Office.

4. Duties of Board Members

  1. Serve as guardian of the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts of OA Service.
  2. Perform the duties of their offices in accordance with the Bylaws and this Virtual Region Policy and Procedure Manual.
  3. Serve as guardian of Virtual Region funds, including review of the annual financial audit.
  4. Provide a forum for the interchange of ideas and information among Virtual Region Service Bodies and Virtual Region committees.
  5. Attend all assemblies during term of office unless excused by the chair.
  6. Become familiar with and assume responsibility for adherence to: Virtual Region and World Service Office Bylaws and this Policy and Procedure Manual.
  7. Assists others in becoming familiar with the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts of OA Service.
  8. Reports:

    1. Submit a written report to the virtual region at least 60 days prior to the next assembly.
    2. At the assembly, present an update to the written report for up to five minutes and then answer questions for an additional five minutes.
  9. Respond to all correspondence, phone calls, and questions in a timely manner.
  10. Maintain a consolidated record of all assets, including passwords for security protection as directed by the chair and the data coordinator.
  11. Administers the Virtual Region meeting platform.
  12. Upon completion of service term, provides the successor with any information and documents from their service period via either written or electronic media.
  13. Serve as board liaison to committees as determined by the chair.

5. Board Members Duties by Position

  1. Chair
    1. Is responsible for unity and group conscience of the Virtual Region.
    2. Establishes and maintains agendas for all board meetings and business sessions.
    3. Presides at all board meetings and business sessions.
    4. Is ex officio member of all committees.
    5. Appoint a parliamentarian for the assembly.
    6. Attends World Service Business Conference as the representative of all unaffiliated meetings and any Virtual Region service bodies that are not in attendance.
    7. Attends other meetings of the region chairs committee, virtually with the exception of the annual Region Chairs Committee meeting held at one region’s assembly.
    8. Is an authorized signer on all cash accounts.
    9. Other duties as required.
  2. Vice-Chair
    1. Assumes all duties of the chair in their absence.
    2. The Vice Chair’s primary role is to promote community, collaboration, and unity among members, service bodies, and the Region. 
    3. Other duties as assigned.
  3. Secretary
    1. Takes minutes of all assembly and board meetings.

      1. The Secretary will provide within 15 days after the Assembly a draft of the Assembly minutes for the Minutes Review Committee review.
      2. Minutes Review Committee members will provide the Secretary with additions or corrections within 15 days upon receipt of the minutes.
      3. If there is a discrepancy, the secretary will review the recording and advise the committee.
      4. After the committee has been advised as to the contents of the recording, the committee will vote on the inclusion or removal of any found discrepancies of any element of the minutes. This requires a two-thirds majority.
    2. Once the minutes are completed

      1. Will submit a copy of the unapproved minutes to the Digital Communications Committee to be posted on the Virtual Region website.
      2. Send application forms of trustee nominees to the World Service Office within one week of affirmation of candidates.
    3. Additionally, the secretary shall:

      1. Create a digital copy of all Virtual Region documents for storage on the appropriate platform.
      2. Have access through the Data Coordinator to contact listings of all representatives, intergroup chairs, committee chairs and board members including but not limited to their name, phone, email and time zone.


  1. Assembly duties: 


  1. Be responsible for assembling a team to do the preparation of registration and Virtual Region business assembly-related materials, including updating credentials and roll call for assembly.   
  2.  Be responsible for  assembling a team to do the preparation of registration and Virtual Region business assembly-related materials, including updating credentials and roll call for assembly.    
  3.  The Secretary shall maintain copies of all pertinent assembly materials in the appropriate Google Drive.  
  4.  Be responsible for updating credentials and roll call for and at the Virtual Region business assembly.
  5. Review updates resulting from motions at the Virtual Region business assemblies and then submits Bylaws and Policy and Procedures for posting within 25 days of the business assembly.
  1. Works with the data coordinator as needed to accomplish the goals of the region.


  1. Other duties as assigned.

  1. Data Coordinator
    1. Reviews and understands the core principles underlying the current regulations that protect the personal data of OA members; these principles to be applied by the Data Coordinator as the foundation and focus of their work.
    2. Works with the Data Protection Committee to update the Region’s data protection and information security policies and procedures in line with regulations affecting the Region.
    3. Works with the Data Protection Committee to oversee and ensure the proper management of the personal data that is collected on behalf of the Region, including the limited processing, the storage, archiving, and deletion of such personal data.
    4. Evaluates and oversees the technologies used by the VR to align with data protection principles and with the OA principle of Anonymity.
    5. Administers training protocols concerning data protection procedures and practices, and the use of associated technologies.
    6.  Coordinates and works with other officers and with the Data Protection Committee.
    7. Other duties as assigned.


  1. Digital Coordinator
    1. Oversee the region Digital Communications Committee
    2. Ensures the website is maintained.
    3. Coordinates social media/outreach strategy such as Blogs, ad campaigns etc.
    4. Other duties as assigned.
  2. Treasurer
    1. Manages all the Virtual Region funds according to financial policies in the bylaws, policies and procedures and any other governance documents of the Virtual Region.
    2. Maintains financial records in alignment with accepted accounting practices.
    3. Maintain accounts for operational funds.
    4. Pays bills and reimburses expenses in a timely manner.
    5. Reports the Virtual Region financial status as follows:

      1. Current balance: monthly to the board.
      2. Last month’s contributions: monthly to the board.
      3. Comparison of actuals to budget: quarterly to the board.
      4. Itemized report showing all income and expenses year-to-date: quarterly to the board.
      5. Contribution details: year to date: quarterly to the board.
      6. Average monthly contributions for the preceding 12 months: quarterly to the board.
      7. Quarterly reports listed above will also be provided for assemblies.
  1.   Provides financial information for the annual audit, to be conducted by     

     Virtual Region Chair and the finance committee, within the first quarter 

     of the next fiscal year.

  1. Other duties as assigned.

6. Virtual Region Trustee

  1. To be eligible as a Virtual Region trustee candidate, members must meet qualifications stated in Overeaters Anonymous, Inc. Bylaws, Subpart B, Article IX, Section 4.
  2. The Virtual Region trustee serves a three-year term on the World Service board of trustees.
  3. Although each region trustee represents a specific region, they serve Overeaters Anonymous as a whole.
  4. Trustees meet periodically throughout the year to conduct OA business.

7. Parliamentarian

Duties of the parliamentarian are to assist the Virtual Region chair and the Virtual Region board in parliamentary procedures.

8. Committees

  1. The board will determine committees to serve the Virtual Region.
  2. These committees will be reviewed every 24 months.
  3. Each committee will establish internal guidelines, which will be reviewed by the board.
    1. Committee guidelines are documented separately and will be maintained by the committee.
    2. Each committee will comply with the document management system established by the Virtual Region Board.
    3. Each committee will comply with all other board-approved guidelines.
  4. The current committees of the Virtual Region are Bylaws, Convention, Data Protection, Digital Resources, Finance, Intergroup Outreach, Language Services, Public Information/Professional Outreach (including Unity with Diversity), and Twelve Step Within (including Workshop).
  5. Committees will appoint a chair from among their members with the exception of the Convention and Data Protection Committees. The Chair or Co-Chairs of these committees will be appointed by the Board.
    1. Committee chairs will be selected from the committee members.
    2. The committee chair may serve for up to two terms of two years
    3. Committee chairs must have six months of current continuous abstinence, except for the Convention Committee chair or co-chairs, who must have one year of current continuous abstinence. Each person shall be the sole judge of their abstinence from compulsive eating and compulsive food behaviors.
    4. If a Committee Chair fails to meet the requirements stated in paragraph c, they must resign from the chair position.
    5. Should a vacancy occur within a committee, the Board will be notified, and the committee will appoint a new chair to complete the term.
    6. The Virtual Region Board, by a two-thirds vote, may waive the abstinence requirement of a committee chair.
  6. Committee Chairs Duties:
    1. Submit a report of activities 60 days prior to each assembly and a monthly update report seven days prior to the Board meeting.
    2. Maintain comprehensive files detailing committee activities using region-approved resources and technologies
    3. Upon completion of term of office or resignation, information transfer shall be coordinated by the Data Coordinator in consultation with the outgoing committee chair.
    4. May submit articles about the committee’s work to the Virtual Region Digital Resources Committee for publication in the appropriate publication medium.
    5. Submit a proposed annual budget to the Virtual Region Treasurer at least 90 days prior to the assembly where it will be addressed.
    6. Review the work of subcommittees and appoint chairs or program heads as needed.

9. Zoom Account Guidelines and Usage Procedures

  1. Use of the Virtual Region Zoom Accounts is managed by the Virtual Region Board and is limited to: Virtual Region board, committees, subcommittees, service bodies and registered meetings for the purpose of conducting OA business or OA recovery events.
  2. The Virtual Region board shall appoint a Zoom Administrator to manage Zoom room scheduling and Zoom settings. The Zoom Administrator will maintain the Virtual Region Calendar with links to the scheduled Zoom meetings.
  3. Any other use of the Zoom accounts will be at the discretion of the chair and Virtual Region Board. Non-Virtual Region Service Bodies may request the use of the Zoom accounts; such use will be at the discretion of the Virtual Region Board.
  4. Non-Virtual Region service bodies given access to the Virtual Region Zoom accounts will be asked to give a contribution for the use of the meeting space.
  5. Virtual Region Zoom account availability will be on a first come, first serve basis with the Virtual Region Board and Virtual Region committee meetings taking precedence.
  6. No member or group shall use the room for any purpose other than OA business or OA recovery events.
  7. If misuse of the room occurs, the code will immediately be changed, and all registered users will be notified.
  8. Any misuse of any room or of the Virtual Region Zoom accounts will be brought before the Board, whereupon the Board will consider appropriate action which may include the removal of service permissions and service access to the Zoom accounts, which may also include the need to attend training on the proper use of the Virtual Region Zoom accounts.

Zoom Policies and Procedures

  1. At least two trained Zoom hosts/cohosts must be present at all scheduled meetings, one of whom will be designated as lead host.
  2. If the meeting is large, three or more Zoom hosts/cohosts are preferred.
  3. After using the Virtual Region Zoom accounts, the meeting must be closed by the Zoom host.
  4. Recordings may be permitted only if the Zoom host/cohost has received data protection training from the Data Coordinator. The Zoom Administrator and team are responsible for organizing with the Data Coordinator the storage and distribution of recordings.

10. Amendments

  1. Amendments to this Policy and Procedure Manual may be proposed by any Virtual Region service body, the board, or committee.
  2. Amendments shall be submitted to the region chair and secretary at least 60 days prior to the Business Assembly.
  3. Motions must be submitted using the region-approved form.
  4. Motions will be reviewed by the bylaws committee no later than 50 days prior to the assembly
  5. Except as otherwise specified amendments to this Policy and Procedure Manual may be adopted by a majority of voting members at any business meeting of the Virtual Region.
  6. Any amendments adopted by the World Service Conference that impact this Policy and Procedure Manual, shall be updated by the Virtual Region Bylaws Committee and the Virtual Region assembly membership will be notified.

Adopted 6/22/24


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