These are the Bylaws Motions and New Business Motions (Policies and Procedures amendments) for Assembly 1 2024. Bylaws Motions require a ⅔ vote to adopt and new business motions require a simple majority. Please contact the maker of the motion listed if you have any questions prior to the assembly.

Virtual Region Assembly

Bylaws Amendment 1

Motion: Move to amend the OA Virtual Region Bylaws, Article III – Members, Sections 1 and 2 by inserting as shown.



Section 1–Membership

1. The membership of the Virtual Region business assembly shall consist of the following:
a. Virtual Region representatives or alternates from each affiliated service body.
i. Each virtual intergroup shall be entitled to one representative in the business assembly for each ten groups or part thereof.
ii. Other Virtual Region affiliated service bodies (such as but not limited to special focus service boards) will be entitled to one representative in the business assembly regardless of the number of meetings they represent.
iii. Each service body being autonomous, selects its representatives in any manner it chooses, as long as it stays within the framework of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions and meets the qualifications.
iv. No service body shall also be registered with or be a member of any geographic region.

b. Virtual Region board members,

c. Virtual Region committee chairs.
i. Each Virtual Region committee will be entitled to one voting member.
ii. This member should be a committee chair in the first instance or a designated appointee.
iii. No committee chair will be permitted to stand as a service body representative.

Section 2–Representative Qualifications

1. Representatives to the Virtual Region assemblies must:

a. Be a member of a service body or committee of the Virtual Region of Overeaters Anonymous (OA), as defined in OA Inc., Subpart B Article V Sections 1 and 2 as well as Article VI. and

b. Have registered with the Virtual Region secretary as a voting representative on behalf of your service body or committee.

2. A Virtual Region representative shall have a minimum of six months current continuous abstinence as defined by Overeaters Anonymous while practicing the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of OA.

3. Each person shall be the sole judge of their abstinence from compulsive eating and compulsive food behaviors.



Section 1– Membership

1. The membership of the Virtual Region business assembly shall consist of the following:
a. Virtual Region representatives or alternates from each affiliated service body.
i. Each virtual intergroup shall be entitled to one representative in the business assembly for each ten groups or part thereof.
ii. Other Virtual Region affiliated service bodies (such as but not limited to special focus service boards) will be entitled to one representative in the business assembly regardless of the number of meetings they represent.
iii. Each service body being autonomous, selects its representatives in any manner it chooses, as long as it stays within the framework of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions and meets the qualifications.
iv. No service body shall also be registered with or be a member of any geographic region.

b. Virtual Region board members,

c. Virtual Region committee chairs.
i. Each Virtual Region committee will be entitled to one voting member.
ii. This member should be a committee chair in the first instance or a designated appointee.
iii. No committee chair will be permitted to stand as a service body representative.

d. Virtual Region representatives or alternates from Virtual Region unaffiliated meetings.
i. Each Virtual Region unaffiliated meeting shall be entitled to one representative in the business assembly.
ii. Each Virtual Region unaffiliated meeting, being autonomous, selects its representatives in any manner it chooses, as long as it stays within the framework of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions and meets the qualifications.
iii. No Virtual Region unaffiliated meeting shall also be registered with or be a member of any geographic region.
iv. Representatives from unaffiliated meetings must have registered as a representative of their meeting with the Virtual Secretary prior to the assembly, as all other delegates do.

Section 2–Representative Qualifications

1. Representatives to the Virtual Region assemblies must:
a. Be a member of a service body, committee, or unaffiliated meeting of the Virtual Region of Overeaters Anonymous (OA), as defined in OA Inc., Subpart B Article V Sections 1 and 2 as well as Article VI. and
b. Have registered with the Virtual Region secretary as a voting representative on behalf of your their service body, committee or unaffiliated meeting .
2. A Virtual Region representative shall have a minimum of six months current continuous abstinence as defined by Overeaters Anonymous while practicing the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of OA.
3. Each person shall be the sole judge of their abstinence from compulsive eating and compulsive food behaviors.

Bylaws Committee


INTENT: To provide unaffiliated meetings with a voice and a vote at the Virtual Region assembly.

PRIMARY PURPOSE: To ensure that unaffiliated meetings have equal representation and participation in the decision-making process at the Virtual Region assembly.

RATIONALE: Unaffiliated meetings are an integral part of the Virtual Region and should have a voice and vote at the Virtual Region assembly. Allowing unaffiliated meetings to fully participate in the decision-making process will increase their engagement with the Virtual Region assembly and help promote unity and collaboration within the Virtual Region.

Bylaws Amendment 1a

Purpose: Housekeeping changes that will be made if the Proposed Change to Article III Sections 1 and 2 are passed. (Bylaws Amendment 1)



Section 6 –Virtual Region Representative Responsibilities

  1. To represent their service body or a Virtual Region committee at all meetings of the Virtual Region business assembly.
  2. To act as liaison between the Virtual Region Business Assembly and their respective service body or a Virtual Region committee.
  3. To ensure that all communications pertaining to the Virtual Region are made available to their service body or committee.
  4. Service on a committee is strongly encouraged, and the commitment is maintained until the following assembly.
  5. To review all documents pertaining to any regular or special business assembly prior to the meeting.



Section 6 –Virtual Region Representative Responsibilities

  1. To represent their service serve as representative of the body or a Virtual Region Committee they represent at all meetings of the Virtual Region business assembly.
  2. To act as liaison between the Virtual Region Business Assembly and their respective service the body they represent.
  3. To ensure that all communications pertaining to the Virtual Region are made available to their service body or committee the body they represent.
  4. Service on a committee is strongly encouraged, and the commitment is maintained until the following assembly.
  5. To review all documents pertaining to any regular or special business assembly prior to the meeting.



Section 10 – Filling Vacancies

  1. A vacancy after the resignation or removal of any board member will be filled, as far as practicable, within 45 days of notification to the Virtual Region of the vacancy.
  2. An announcement will be sent to the Virtual Region service bodies asking for nominations to be submitted within 20 days of the vacancy deadline.
  3. The member chosen to fill any vacancy on the Virtual Region board shall meet the qualification as defined in Article V, Section 2.
  4. The Virtual Region board will interview all candidates and appoint the position at the next meeting of the Virtual Region board.
  5. The appointed board member will participate fully as a member of the Virtual Region board.
  6. The appointed board member will be ratified at the beginning of the next assembly.
  7. The position is filled for the remainder of the term.



Section 10 – Filling Vacancies

  1. A vacancy after the resignation or removal of any board member will be filled, as far as practicable, within 45 days of notification to the Virtual Region of the vacancy.
  2. An announcement will be sent to the Virtual Region service bodies and unaffiliated meetings asking for nominations to be submitted within 20 days of the vacancy deadline.
  3. The member chosen to fill any vacancy on the Virtual Region board shall meet the qualification as defined in Article V, Section 2.
  4. The Virtual Region board will interview all candidates and appoint the position at the next meeting of the Virtual Region board.
  5. The appointed board member will participate fully as a member of the Virtual Region board.
  6. The appointed board member will be ratified at the beginning of the next assembly.
  7. The position is filled for the remainder of the term.

Bylaws Committee



New Business Motion 1 Budget Amendment


Motion: Motion to amend the 2024 Budget.


(please see below and net page)


(please see below and net page)


INTENT: To redistribute funds more effectively.

IMPLEMENTATION: The change would be immediate and the Treasurer will notify the affected committees of the increases to their budgets.

COST: $ 0

PRIMARY PURPOSE: This motion will help carry the message of recovery by increasing resources for the Language and PIPO committees and adds representation from one additional VR service body at 2024 WSBC.


Budget Line to amend ChangeRationale
Trustees nominees to WSBCdecrease by $7500The VR is not sending any trustee nominees to WSBC in 2024
PIPO public information prof outreachIncrease by $3250More funding in PIPO provides for more social media outreach, a proven approach to bringing in newcomers
Language Interpretation Translationincrease by $3250More funding provides for greater outreach in languages other than English.
WSBC DSF scholarshipsIncrease by $1000This increase allows us to support one additional VR service body in sending a delegate to 2024 WSBC
Virtual Region of Overeaters Anonymous Inc
2024 BUDGET, AS AMENDED 11-18-23
January - December 2024
Budget as amended 11-18-23Proposed New Amended BudgetChange
FROM INDIVIDUALS5,000.005,000.000.00
FROM INTERGROUPS20,000.0020,000.000.00
Total FROM INTERGROUPS20,000.0020,000.000.00
FROM MEETINGS/ GROUPS8,000.008,000.000.00
FROM WORKSHOPS1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00
Total CONTRIBUTIONS34,000.0034,000.000.00
CONVENTION REGISTRATIONS20,000.0020,000.000.00
FUNDRAISING / SPECIAL APPEAL18,000.0018,000.000.00
Virtual Region of Overeaters Anonymous Inc
2024 BUDGET, AS AMENDED 11-18-23
HELP CARRY THE MESSAGE FUND3,000.003,000.000.00
Total Revenue75,000.0075,000.000.00
Gross Profit75,000.0075,000.000.00
ASSEMBLY EXPENSES1,000.001,000.000.00
CONTRIBUTION FEES1,200.001,200.000.00
Total CONTRIBUTION FEES1,200.001,200.000.00
FILING FEES, QUICKBOOKS SUBS1,250.001,250.000.00
POSTAGE AND MAILBOX200.00200.000.00
SERVICE WORKERS1,000.001,000.000.00
TRUSTEES NOMINEES TO WSBC7,500.000.00-7,500.00
VR CHAIR TO WSO & OTHER REGIONS6,000.006,000.000.00
VR CONTRIBUTIONS TO WSO2,000.002,000.000.00
VR TO WSBC REG FEES / TRAVEL2,500.002,500.000.00
Virtual Region of Overeaters Anonymous Inc
2024 BUDGET, AS AMENDED 11-18-23
Total OPERATIONS45,700.00 38,200.00-7,500.00
CONVENTION EXPENSES5,000.005,000.000.00
DIGITAL CONTENT1,000.001,000.000.00
SPECIAL PROJECTS2,000.002,000.000.00
TWELVE STEPS WITHIN (TSW)500.00500.000.00
WSBC DSF SCHOLARSHIPS FOR IGS12,000.0013,000.00+1,000.00
Total OUTREACH29,300.0036,800.00+7,500.00
Total Expenditures75,000.0075,000.000.00
Net Operating Revenue0.000.000.00
Other Revenue
Total Other Revenue0.000.000.00
Net Other Revenue0.000.000.00
Net Revenue0.000.000.00






  1. The board will determine committees to serve the Virtual Region.
  2. These committees will be reviewed every 24 months.
  3. Each committee will establish internal guidelines, which will be reviewed by the board.
    i. Committee guidelines are documented separately and will be maintained by the committee.
    ii. Each committee will comply with the document management system established by the Virtual Region Board.
    iii. Each committee will comply with all board-approved guidelines.
  4. The current committees of the Virtual Region are Bylaws, Convention, Data Protection, Digital Resources, Finance, Intergroup Outreach, Public Information/Professional Outreach (including Unity with Diversity) and Twelve Step Within (including Workshop).



  1. The board will determine committees to serve the Virtual Region.
  2. These committees will be reviewed every 24 months.
  3. Each committee will establish internal guidelines, which will be reviewed by the board.
    i. Committee guidelines are documented separately and will be maintained by the committee.
    ii. Each committee will comply with the document management system established by the Virtual Region Board.
    iii. Each committee will comply with all board-approved guidelines.
  4. The current committees of the Virtual Region consist of Bylaws, Convention, Data Protection, Digital Resources, Finance, Intergroup Outreach, Interpretation, Public Information/Professional Outreach (including Unity with Diversity) and Twelve Step Within (including Workshop).

OA Virtual Region Board

Contact Name:

INTENT: To create a committee concerned with translations, interpreters, and other language issues in the virtual region.



Brief explanation of how this motion will help carry the message of recovery.

Purpose: 1. To Carry the Message by supporting the translation and distribution of OA Conference-Approved literature to members beyond the English-speaking world. 2. Provide more language translations for our service bodies, support more efficient means of distribution, utilizing new technologies to meet the demand of our global membership. 3. Build on the live interpretation resources of the region, in supporting regional events, and in carrying the message to non-English language speakers.

RATIONALE: The Virtual Region consists of members who speak many different languages.. We will better serve our members with this committee.

New Business Motion 3 Delegate Support Fund


MOTION: Move that the wording in the Policies and Procedures manual be changed to add the following:


Policies and procedures manual III Financial Policies

M. The region shall support service boards of the region in sending one representative per service board to the World Service Business Conference via the Virtual Region Delegate Scholarship Fund.
  1. The limit of the money set aside shall be that of the Delegate Support Fund line in each year’s annual budget.
  2. Preference will be given to new Service Bodies.
  3. Applications will only be accepted from Service Bodies that otherwise would be unable to send a representative.


III Financial Policies

M. The region shall support service boards of the region in sending one representative per service board to the World Service Business Conference via the Virtual Region Delegate Scholarship Fund.
  1. The limit of the money set aside shall be that of the Delegate Support Fund line in each year’s annual budget.
  2. Preference will be given to new Service Bodies.
  3. Applications will only be accepted from Service Bodies that otherwise would be unable to send a representative.
  4. Service bodies that apply for and receive WSBC scholarships from the Region shall have at least one registered region representative and one alternate for each assembly before and after the WSBC for which they are receiving funds. The registered representative and alternate will have been recorded at assembly and they or another representative from the service body shall be active serve on a Region committee. Service bodies in their first year of registration are exempt from this policy.

Virtual Region Board

Contact Name:

INTENT: Encourage participation of WSBC delegates receiving funding in the Virtual Region assemblies.

IMPLEMENTATION: Determine if requirements met when applications are submitted for WSBC funding.

COST: no associated costs

Purpose Ensure 7th tradition contribution participation in the region service structure from service bodies who are supported by the regions WSBC Delegate Support Fund. Ensure service bodies that receive funding for the WSBC are actively participating in the region’s service structure and are self-supporting.

RATIONALE: Encourage participation at region as well as world service level.

New Business Motion 4 Vice Chair Role

MOTION: To update Article, Section, Title by striking, inserting and renumbering as shown. V. Board Members Duties by Position section B Vice Chair


  1. Maintains the Virtual Region Calendar and reports on usage of the Virtual Region Media Platform.
  2. Other dutieVice-Chair
  3. Assumes all duties of chair in their absence.
  4. Assumes all duties of chair in their absence.


  1. Vice-Chair
    i. Assumes all duties of chair in their absence.
    ii. Other duties as assigned.

Virtual Region Board

IMPLEMENTATION: Remove item two.

INTENT: This task is more appropriate for the Digital Resources Committee.

COST: 0.00

PRIMARY PURPOSE: Aligns like minded tasks for the appropriate parties.

RATIONALE: Clarity, uniformity of purpose, and allowing the Vice Chairperson to invest more time in building and uniting the Virtual Region.

New Business Motion 5 Zoom Platform

PURPOSE: To update Virtual Region Meeting Platform Guidelines Usage Procedures, Article IX by striking out all wording in Column 1 and inserting the content of Column 2 and as shown.


IX. Virtual Region Meeting Platform Guidelines and Usage Procedures

  1. Use of the Virtual Region Meeting Platform is managed by the Virtual Region Board and limited to: Virtual Region board, committees, subcommittees, service bodies and registered meetings for the purpose of conducting OA business or OA recovery events.
  2. Any other use of the platform will be at the discretion of the chair and Virtual Region Board. Non-Virtual Region Service Bodies may request use of the platform; such use will be at the discretion of the Virtual Region Board.
  3. Non-Virtual Region service bodies given access to the Virtual Region Meeting Platform will be asked to give a contribution for the use of the meeting space.
  4. Virtual Region Meeting Platform availability will be on a first come, first served basis with the Virtual Region Board and Virtual Region committee meetings taking precedence.
  5. No member or group shall use the room for any purpose other than OA business or OA recovery events.
  6. If misuse of the room occurs, the code will immediately be changed, and all registered users will be notified.
  7. Any misuse of any room or of the Virtual Region Meeting Platform will be brought before the Board, whereupon the Board will consider appropriate action which may include the removal of service permissions and service access to the Virtual Meeting Platform, which may also include the need to attend training on the proper use of the Virtual Region Meeting Platform.


VRMP Protocol

  1. Scheduled meetings will provide trained, approved Dashboard operators.
  2. At least two trained dashboard operators must be present at all scheduled meetings, one of whom will be designated as lead host.
  3. If the meeting is large, three or more dashboard operators are preferred
  4. After using the Virtual Region Meeting Platform, the meeting must be closed by the lead host selecting “end meeting for all.”
  5. Before any recording may be permitted, the lead host must have received data protection training from the Data Coordinator or committee and have signed a release stating that they understand the implications of recording surrounding data protection and other such issues.
  6. Virtual Region business meeting recordings, including assemblies, conventions, board meetings and committee meetings may be saved to the cloud by notifying the data coordinator.


IX. Virtual Region Meeting Platform Zoom Account Guidelines and Usage Procedures

  1. Use of the Virtual Region Meeting Platform is Zoom Accounts are managed by the Virtual Region Board and limited to: Virtual Region board, committees, subcommittees, service bodies and registered meetings for the purpose of conducting OA business or OA recovery events.
  2. The Virtual Region board shall appoint a Zoom Administrator to manage Zoom room scheduling and Zoom settings. The Zoom Administrator will maintain the Virtual Region Calendar with links to the scheduled Zoom meetings.
  3. Any other use of the platform Zoom account will be at the discretion of the chair and Virtual Region Board. Non-Virtual Region Service Bodies may request use of the platform Zoom accounts; such use will be at the discretion of the Virtual Region Board.
  4. Non-Virtual Region service bodies given access to the Virtual Region Meeting Platform Zoom accounts will be asked to give a contribution for the use of the meeting space.
  5. Virtual Region Meeting Platform Zoom account availability will be on a first come, first served basis with the Virtual Region Board and Virtual Region committee meetings taking precedence.
  6. No member or group shall use the room Zoom accounts for any purpose other than OA business or OA recovery events.
  7. If misuse of the room Zoom accounts occurs, the code will immediately be changed, and all registered users will be notified.
  8. Any misuse of any room or of the Virtual Region Meeting Platform the Zoom accounts will be brought before the Board, whereupon the Board will consider appropriate action which may include the removal of service permissions and service access to the Virtual Meeting Platform Zoom accounts, which may also include the need to attend training on the proper use of the Virtual Region Meeting Platform Zoom accounts.


VRMP Protocol Zoom Policies and Procedures

  1. Scheduled meetings will provide trained, approved Dashboard operators.
  2. At least two trained dashboard operators Zoom hosts/co-hosts must be present at all scheduled meetings, one of whom will be designated as lead host.
  3. If the meeting is large, three or more dashboard operators Zoom hosts/co-hosts are preferred.
  4. After using the Virtual Region Meeting Platform Zoom accounts, the meeting must be closed by the lead Zoom host selecting “end meeting for all.”
  5. Before any Recordings may be permitted only if, the lead host Zoom hosts/co-hosts must have received data protection training from the Data Coordinator or committee and have signed a release stating that they understand the implications of recording surrounding data protection and other such issues. The Zoom Administrator and team are responsible for organizing with the Data Coordinator the storage and distribution of recordings.
  6. Virtual Region business meeting recordings, including assemblies, conventions, board meetings and committee meetings may be saved to the cloud by notifying the data coordinator.


Data Committee
Contact: Francene A, Data Coordinator

IMPLEMENTATION: Update Policy Manual; Board to appoint a Zoom administrator.

INTENT: To clarify and update the use of the Zoom (previously referenced as VRMP).

COST: No cost

PRIMARY PURPOSE: Flexibility and clarification of responsibilities.

RATIONALE: To clarify the role of Zoom administrator and to outline the responsibilities as they currently are being conducted.

New Business Motion 6 Data Coordinator Role

PURPOSE: To update Data Coordinator description, Article V Section 4 by striking out all wording in Column 1 and inserting the content of Column 2 and as shown.


Data Coordinator

  1. Maintains the region systems and policies for protecting and managing the personal data of all service members and region visitors for the benefit of carrying the message, specifically: i. Will oversee service volunteers to manage all outgoing mass emails from the region. ii. Ensure proper transfer storage and deletion (in required timeframes) of large amounts of personal data such as from the region’s convention. iii. Review global regulations with a committee and propose updates to the Virtual Regions Policies and Procedures. iv. Assess and evaluate user-friendly and affordable technologies to align with global privacy and data protection practices. v. Train committee chairs and committee service fellows in use of global privacy and data protection practices and associated technologies. vi. Oversee creative releases for submissions to the region’s digital outputs, speakers’ releases, and other new forms that may be developed. vii. Oversee the global privacy and data protection of digital technologies and train new users on the use of secured systems and associated accounts. viii. Oversee registration for all Virtual Region events and ensure that there are appropriate speaker releases, service volunteer releases and releases for creative materials. ix. Administers the Virtual Region Meeting Platform, this includes but is not limited to a. Approval and signing off on  persons receiving administrative features such as the host code. b. Maintains an email list of all registered users with administrative features. c. Changes access to administrative features as necessary and notifies the users. d. Deletes all recordings on a routine basis. e. May appoint assistants as needed.
  2. Manage collection and archiving of executed documents and act as a liaison with the Virtual Region Board where needed.
  3. Oversees compliance with all procedures outlined in the global policy data and data protection practices that have been approved. These documents are located on the Virtual Region website at
  4. Coordinates with the board secretary as needed.
  5. Other duties as assigned


Data Coordinator
  1. Maintains the region systems and policies for protecting and managing the personal data of all service members and region visitors for the benefit of carrying the message, specifically:   i. Will oversee service volunteers to manage all outgoing mass emails from the region. ii. Ensure proper transfer storage and deletion (in required timeframes) of large amounts of personal data such as from the region’s convention. iii. Review global regulations with a committee and propose updates to the Virtual Regions Policies and Procedures. iv. Assess and evaluate user-friendly and affordable technologies to align with global privacy and data protection practices. v. Train committee chairs and committee service fellows in use of global privacy and data protection practices and associated technologies. vi. Oversee creative releases for submissions to the region’s digital outputs, speakers’ releases, and other new forms that may be developed. vii. Oversee the global privacy and data protection of digital technologies and train new users on the use of secured systems and associated accounts. viii. Oversee registration for all Virtual Region events and ensure that there are appropriate speaker releases, service volunteer releases and releases for creative materials. ix. Administers the Virtual Region Meeting Platform, this includes but is not limited to    a. Approval and signing off on  persons receiving administrative features such as the host code.   b. Maintains an email list of all registered users with administrative features.   c. Changes access to administrative features as necessary and notifies the users.  d. Deletes all recordings on a routine basis.  e. May appoint assistants as needed.
  2. Manage collection and archiving of executed documents and act as a liaison with the Virtual Region Board where needed.
  3. Oversees compliance with all procedures outlined in the global policy data and data protection practices that have been approved. These documents are located on the Virtual Region website at
  4. Coordinates with the board secretary as needed.
  5. Other duties as assigned
  6. Reviews and understands the core principles underlying the current regulations that protect the personal data of OA members; these principles to be applied by the Data Coordinator as the foundation and focus of their work.
  7. Works with the Data Protection Committee to update the Region’s data protection and information security policies and procedures in line with regulations affecting the Region.
  8. Works with the Data Protection Committee to oversee and ensure the proper management of the personal data that is collected on behalf of the Region, including the limited processing, the storage, archiving, and deletion of such personal data.
  9. Evaluates and oversees the technologies used by the VR to align with data protection principles and with the OA principle of Anonymity.
  10. Administers training protocols concerning data protection procedures and practices, and the use of associated technologies.
  11.  Coordinates and works with other officers and with the Data Protection Committee.
  12. Other duties as assigned.

Data Committee

Contact: Who? New Data Committee Chair?

IMPLEMENTATION: Update Policy Manual

INTENT: To clarify and update the role of the Data Coordinator to reflect the current position.

COST: No cost

PRIMARY PURPOSE: For the Data Coordinator role to be clear and understandable.

RATIONALE: To better focus on the important aspects of the role as regards to the protection of personal data.

New Business Motion 7 Secretary Role

PURPOSE: To update Article V Board Member Duties by Position, Section C Secretary, subsection 3b by striking out all wording in Column 1 and inserting the content of Column 2 as shown.


V. Board Members Duties by Position

C. Secretary

  1. Additionally, secretary shall:
    i. Maintain a contact list of all representatives, intergroup chairs, committee chairs and board members including but not limited to their name, phone, email and time zone


V. Board Members Duties by Position

C. Secretary

  1. Additionally, secretary shall:
    i. Maintain a contact list of all representatives, intergroup chairs, committee chairs and board members including but not limited to their name, phone, email and time zone.
    ii. Have access through the Data Coordinator to contact listings of all representatives, intergroup chairs, committee chairs and board members including but not limited to their name, phone, email and time zone.


Data Committee

Contact:  Francene 

IMPLEMENTATION: Update Policy Manual

INTENT: To clarify the responsibility and allow accessibility for the Secretary in line with the current data protection procedures wherein the Data Coordinator creates and maintains documents with personal data.

COST: No cost

PRIMARY PURPOSE: To clarify responsibility for documents containing personal data information whilst allowing the Secretary access to the information if needed.

RATIONALE: The Secretary is no longer responsible for maintaining these lists. Have the policies and procedures reflect the current handling where the Data Coordinator is responsible for these lists and access to them.

New Business Motion 8 Quorum


MOTION : Move to amend the Policy and Procedures manual to better define a quorum for the purpose of conducting business at Assembly.


Article VII- Business Meetings Section 4– Quorum

  1. At the Virtual Region business assembly attendance of one quarter of those who are entitled to participate and vote in the assembly (as listed in these Bylaws Article III, Section 1) will be necessary to hold an assembly.


Article VII- Business Meetings Section 4– Quorum
  1. At the Virtual Region business assembly attendance of one quarter of those who are entitled to participate and have registered to vote in the assembly with the Secretary (as listed in these Bylaws Article III, Section 1) will be necessary to hold an assembly.


INTENT: To better define the number of delegates required to reach quorum

PRIMARY PURPOSE: Unaffiliated meetings will have the right to register and vote at the Virtual Region business assembly, therefore we must be more specific in our definition of quorum to account for a potential increase in voting participants.

RATIONALE: This change to the Policy & Procedures manual is only necessary upon approval of the Bylaws Amendments granting right of registration and vote to representatives of unaffiliated meetings at the Virtual Region business assembly. As all virtual unaffiliated meetings are automatically assigned to the virtual region, it would be impossible to determine the actual number of representatives entitled to participate to establish quorum. Therefore, we will determine quorum by requiring the presence of one quarter of those registered with the Secretary to participate.

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