Public Information/Professional Outreach Committee


The Public Information/Professional Outreach/Unity With Diversity Committe meets on the first Saturday of the month

1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EST (UTC -5) 
Zoom meeting.
Meeting ID:  864 1961 9360
Passcode: 101112

For your local dial in number visit:

If you have any questions or wish to help with this committee’s work,
Please contact Committee Chair at

The Public Information/Professional Outreach/Unity With Diversity Committee (PIPO-UWD) exists to carry the message. PI focuses on reaching out to the still-suffering compulsive eater who may not know OA exists. On the PO side, we want to offer OA as a resource to professionals who may wish to refer patients/clients to OA if they deem it beneficial to them. 

PIPO-UWD is also responsible for the planning of three Newcomer Open Houses each year. They usually take place around January, May and September, baring conflicts, and are approximately 12 hours on a Saturday and 4 hours on a Sunday. Affiliated IG meetings are invited to participate (to plan and hold a meeting).

We take a project-by-project approach. Members can work on a project near and dear to them, or become part of the committee, joining us with a variety of other projects.