Assembly Registration November 2024

Step 1 of 2
Please use a personal email address
Please select the country code (box on the left)
Use the box immediately above to select your time zone

OA is an anonymous fellowship, and our 12th Tradition states that: “Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all these Traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.” We hold information about other fellows in confidence. This policy upholds the 12th Tradition. We will only use your personal data for the purposes for which we collected it. Only authorized people are permitted to access your data, which is kept secure and confidential for the time periods as described and then deleted/destroyed using secure methods.

We will do our best to protect the personal information of all fellows registering to do service for the Virtual Region with respect to the information you supply and use thereof. In addition to the Privacy Policy and Notice for Service Volunteers below, please review the Data Protection Policy and the Information Security Policy.

Clear Signature