Virtual Region Assembly 2 – 2024
Board Positions up for a vote:
Vice Chair, Secretary and Digital Coordinator

Duties and Qualifications:

Virtual Region Officer Duties


NOTE: Applications must be submitted no later than sixty (60) days before the Assembly at which the election will be held. Apply by September 17, 2024. CLOSED

Qualifications for the Virtual Region Board

Qualifications for the Virtual Region board are:

  1. Two years of service beyond the group level,
  2. Two years of continuous recovery in Overeaters Anonymous as evidenced by:
    1. Two years of current abstinence
    2. It shall be a requirement that the officer demonstrate continued recovery, including abstinence and working towards or maintaining a healthy body weight throughout the entire term(s) of office.
    3. Each person shall be the judge of their recovery,
  3. Having worked the Twelve Steps and having a working understanding of the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts of OA Service.
  4. Have attended at least one prior Virtual Region assembly within the past 36 months as a voting member or service volunteer.
  5. When a board position cannot be filled in line with these qualifications the qualifications listed in paragraphs 1 through 3 above may be set aside by a two-thirds majority of the Virtual Region Board or Assembly.
  6. Nominees must be present for election.
  7. Elections will be held at the last assembly of the calendar year unless otherwise required by these bylaws.
  8. Each board member is elected for a two-year term.
  9. The chair, treasurer, and data coordinator are elected in odd years.
  10. Vice-Chair, secretary and digital coordinator are elected in even years.
  11. Nominees will have five minutes to address the assembly and five minutes for questions.
  12. For election, the candidate must receive a majority of the ballots cast.
  13. If there are more than two nominees and no nominee receives a majority, the candidate receiving the lowest number of votes will be dropped from consideration and another vote will be taken.
  14. If there are two candidates and neither receives a majority, a second ballot will be taken.

V. Board Members Duties

IV. Duties of Board Members
  1. Serve as guardian of the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts of OA Service.
  2. Perform the duties of their offices in accordance with the Bylaws and this Virtual Region Policy and Procedure Manual.
  3. Serve as guardian of Virtual Region funds, including review of the annual financial audit.
  4. Provide a forum for the interchange of ideas and information among Virtual Region Service Bodies and Virtual Region committees.
  5. Attend all assemblies during term of office unless excused by the chair.
  6. Become familiar with and assume responsibility for adherence to: Virtual Region and World Service Office Bylaws and this Policy and Procedure Manual.
  7. Assists others in becoming familiar with the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts of OA Service.
  8. Reports:
    1. Submit a written report to the virtual region at least 60 days prior to the next assembly.
    2. At the assembly, present an update to the written report for up to five minutes and then answer questions for an additional five minutes.
  9. Respond to all correspondence, phone calls, and questions in a timely manner.
  10. Maintain a consolidated record of all assets, including passwords for security protection as directed by the chair and the data coordinator.
  11. Administers the Virtual Region meeting platform.
  12. Upon completion of service term, provides the successor with any information and documents from their service period via either written or electronic media.
  13. Serve as board liaison to committees as determined by the chair

Board Members Duties by Position

  1. Vice-Chair

    1. Assumes all duties of the chair in their absence.
    2. The Vice Chair’s primary role is to promote community, collaboration, and unity among members, service bodies, and the Region. 
    3. Other duties as assigned.
  2. Secretary

    1. Takes minutes of all assembly and board meetings.
      1. The Secretary will provide within 10 days after the Assembly a draft of the Assembly minutes for the Minutes Review Committee review.
      2. Committee members will provide the Secretary with additions or corrections within 10 days upon receipt of the minutes.
      3. If there is a discrepancy, the secretary will review the recording and advise the committee.
      4. After the committee has been advised as to the contents of the recording, the committee will vote on the inclusion or removal of any found discrepancies of any element of the minutes. This requires a two-thirds majority.
    2. Once the minutes are completed
      1. Will submit a copy of the unapproved minutes to the Digital Communications Committee to be posted on the Virtual Region website.
      2. Send application forms of trustee nominees to the World Service Office within one week of the affirmation of candidates.
    3. Additionally, the secretary shall:
      1. Create a digital copy of all Virtual Region documents for storage on the appropriate platform.
      2. Have access through the Data Coordinator to contact listings of all representatives, intergroup chairs, committee chairs and board members including but not limited to their name, phone, email and time zone.
      3. Be responsible for keeping and giving out passwords for all digital platforms to those authorized by their position, unless restricted or otherwise assigned.
      4. Be responsible for the preparation of registration and Virtual Region business assembly-related materials.
      5. Be responsible for updating credentials and roll call for and at the Virtual Region business assembly.
      6. Review updates resulting from motions at the Virtual Region business assemblies and then submits Bylaws and Policy and Procedures for posting within 25 days of the business assembly.
      7. Works with the data coordinator as needed to accomplish the goals of the region.
      8. Other duties as assigned.
  1. Digital Coordinator

    1. Oversee the region Digital Communications Committee
    2. Ensures the website is maintained.
    3. Coordinates social media/outreach strategy such as Blogs, ad campaigns etc.
    4. Other duties as assigned
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