Section 2 – Qualification for the Virtual Region Board

Qualifications for the Virtual Region board are:

  1. Two years of service beyond the group level,
  2. Two years of continuous recovery in Overeaters Anonymous as evidenced by:
    1. Two years of current abstinence
    2. It shall be a requirement that the officer shall demonstrate continued recovery, including abstinence and working towards or maintaining a healthy body weight throughout the entire term(s) of office.
    3. Each person shall be the judge of their recovery,
  3. Having worked the Twelve Steps and having a working understanding of the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts of OA Service.
  4. Have attended at least one prior Virtual Region assembly within the past 36 months as a voting member or service volunteer.
  5. When a board position cannot be filled in line with these qualifications the qualifications listed in paragraphs 1 through 3 above may be set aside by a two thirds majority of the Virtual Region Board or Assembly.

Section 3 – Nominations to the Virtual Region Board

  1. Applications must be submitted no later than sixty (60) days before the Assembly at which the election will be held.
  2. In the absence of applicants, nominations may be made from the floor, with the exception of the Virtual Region chair or trustee positions.
  3. Candidates must meet all qualifications.
  4. If a nomination is taken from the floor, the member will stand for election at that time.
  5. If there is no nominee for Virtual Region chair, the vice-chair will fill the role of chair until the next assembly when a new selection for the position of chair will take place. The position of vice-chair will be declared vacant.
  6. In the event that no one applies for or is elected to an open position, the Virtual Region board will follow the rules for vacancies in Section 10.
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