You can join a Zoom meeting or webinar, which allows you to dial in to a virtual meeting without a computer. This is useful when:
1. You do not have a microphone or speaker on your computer.
2. You do not have a iOS or Android smartphone.
3. You cannot connect to a network for video and VoIP (computer audio).
How to join a meeting or webinar by phone only
1. Dial an in-country number. (Make sure to use a Zoom toll-free number, or you
might be charged fees for the call).
Link here for list of dial in phone numbers:
Zoom International Dial In Numbers.
2. You will hear these words: “Welcome to Zoom. Enter your Meeting ID, followed by #”
TRACK ONE (Keynote Speakers and some webinars)
TRACK TWO (Step and Principles meetings)
TRACK THREE (Workshops and Forums)
TRACK FOUR (Newcomer meetings)
3. Phone controls for participants.
A. *6 will toggle speaking ability or turn on / off MUTE/UNMUTE
B. *9 will raise or lower your virtual hand.
Phone users only:
Please note that you can only listen in the language the session is using, as translation is not available. Also, there are some foreign language meetings which only offer translation for Zoom participants on computers.
Most sessions are in English with language interpretation or translated caption. There are 7 Spanish sessions which may be listened to in Spanish, 3 French sessions and 2 Greek sessions.