
Virtual Region of Overeaters Anonymous

Assembly 2 Minutes
Date: November 16, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM Eastern Time


The assembly opened with the Serenity Prayer, followed by the reading of opening materials and remarks by the Chair.

Roll Call

The Secretary and Data Officer conducted the roll call:

Meditation and Readings

The Eleventh Step Prayer, a 3-minute meditation, and a passage from For Today were read.

Introduction of Parliamentarian and Center Microphone Monitor

The Chair introduced the Parliamentarian and Center Microphone Monitor.


The Secretary and Data Officer confirmed the roll call results, and the Chair declared a quorum.

Approval of Assembly 1, 2024 Minutes

The minutes from Assembly 1, 2024, were adopted without objection.

Standing Rules

The Standing Rules were adopted without objection.

Adoption of Agenda

The proposed agenda was adopted without objection.

Appointment of Minutes Review Committee

Two Footsteps representatives and the Secretary were appointed to the Minutes Review Committee.

Consent Agenda

The consent agenda was presented, and Policy Manual Amendment 3 (Secretary’s duties) was removed for further discussion.

Questions were addressed from the floor. A motion to extend the question period by 7 minutes was adopted (20 in favor, 16 against). A subsequent motion for another 7-minute extension was defeated (16 in favor, 20 against).

The Treasurer also requested assistance for current duties and reminded members to prepare for the vacancy in 2026.

Budget Amendments

  1. Amendment 1:
    • Add  XX   for an e-commerce site for literature.
    • Increase individual contributions from XX to XX
    • Adopted (32 in favor, 5 against).
  1. Amendment 2:
    • Separate Google Workspace expenses from GDPR compliance, allocating half to each.
    • Adopted without objection.

Adoption of Amended Budget

The amended budget was adopted (33 in favor, 3 against).

New Business

Motion 2: Add a Language Services Committee to the P&P

Move to amend the OA Virtual Region Policy Manual, Article VIII, Item 4, Committees of the Virtual Region to add a Languages Services committee by inserting the following:


VIII. Committees

  1. The board will determine committees to serve the Virtual Region.
  2. These committees will be reviewed every 24 months.
  3. Each committee will establish internal guidelines, which will be reviewed by the board.
    1. Committee guidelines are documented separately and will be maintained by the committee.
    2. Each committee will comply with the document management system established by the Virtual Region Board.
    3. Each committee will comply with all other board-approved guidelines.
  4. The current committees of the Virtual Region consist of Bylaws, Convention, Data Protection, Digital Resources, Finance, Intergroup Outreach, Language Services, Public Information/Professional Outreach (including Unity with Diversity) and Twelve Step Within (including Workshop).

Submitted by the OA Virtual Region ad hoc naming committee and the committee itself. 

The chair answered questions from the floor.

Adopted unanimously (35 in favor, 0 against).

Motion 3: Secretary’s Duties

Move to amend the OA Virtual Region Policy Manual, Article V, Item 3, Secretary by striking and inserting the following



3)  Secretary

  1. a)   Takes minutes of all assembly and board meetings.
  1. The Secretary will provide within 10 15 days after the Assembly a draft of the Assembly minutes for the Minutes Review Committee to review.
  2. Minutes Review Committee members will provide the Secretary with additions or corrections within 10 15 days upon receipt of the minutes.
  3. If there is a discrepancy, the secretary will review the recording and advise the committee.
  4. After the committee has been advised as to the contents of the recording, the committee will vote on the inclusion or removal of any found discrepancies of any element of the minutes. This requires a two-thirds majority.
  1. b) Once the minutes are completed
  1. Will submit a copy of the unapproved minutes to the Digital Communications Committee to be posted on the Virtual Region website.
  2.  Send application forms of trustee nominees to the World Service Office within one week of affirmation of candidates.
  1. c)  Additionally, the secretary shall:
  1.    Create a digital copy of all Virtual Region documents for storage on the appropriate platform.
  2. Have access through the Data Coordinator to contact listings of all representatives, intergroup chairs, committee chairs and board members including but not limited to their name, phone, email and time zone.

iiiBe responsible for keeping and giving out passwords for all digital platforms to those authorized by their position, unless restricted or otherwise assigned.

  1. Assembly Duties
  1.  Be responsible for  assembling a team to do the preparation of registration and Virtual Region business assembly-related materials, including updating credentials and roll call for assembly.    
  2.  Create a digital copy of all Virtual Region documents for storage on the appropriate on the appropriate platform
  3. The Secretary shall maintain copies of all pertinent assembly materials in the appropriate Google Drive.  
  1.  Be responsible for updating credentials and roll call for and at the Virtual Region business assembly.
  2. Review updates resulting from   motions at the Virtual Region business assemblies and then submits Bylaws and Policy and Procedures for posting within 25 days of the business assembly.
  1. Works with the data coordinator as needed to accomplish the goals of the region.
  1. Other duties as assigned.

Submitted by: The virtual region board.

The chair answered several questions from the floor.

Adopted (34 in favor, 1 against).


The session started with the reading of Voices of Recovery 


Digital Coordinator


Green Dot Ceremony

A ceremony recognizing 3 green dots was conducted.

A fragment of the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions of OA and the Responsibility Pledge were read. 

Other Business and Announcements

Strategic Planning

Communication: Representatives were encouraged to share the activities of the Region with their groups, intergroups and service bodies. 

Convention: Scheduled for February 28 to March 2, 2025. Volunteers and speakers are needed.

Open House

Will be during the Convention. 

Unaffiliated Virtual Meetings

Efforts are underway to engage unaffiliated meetings and invite them to affiliate with an intergroup of the Virtual Region.

First Annual Appeal

A fundraising appeal, including a QR code for donations, was launched.

To be shared in meetings: https://oavirtualregion.org/annual-appeal/

Young Persons 

Intergroup Renewal Committee

New co-chairs were announced, with plans to develop outreach materials and workshops.

Twelfth Step Within

The committee is preparing 14 workshops focused on steps, sponsorship, and relapse prevention.


The assembly ended at 4:00 PM EST with the Serenity Prayer recited in French, Spanish, and English.

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